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Reports for Barrier Lake Weyrhold

August 5th 2024

The newest transfer from Dolphin Cove, bronzerider J'ine, introduces himself to the Weyrwoman Second. Aydhan is less than impressed at the conversation.

Rasme and Aydhan get a chance to gossip.

The bronzes of Barrier Lake are keen to impress Tymborikath, and their never-ending tribute of herdbeasts is taking its toll on Avicath. N'kevyn puts him on a diet and exercise regimen. Speaking of bronzes, D'ren's Menanth introduces himself to Tymborikath while D'ren and Aydhan talk lakeside.

Rabain, Haysh, Arlin, and Lenorin make a bet about who can court the girl candidates. Haysh tries with Aydhara, and Leonorin with Casmari. Both boys are unsuccessful. Aydhara thinks that Haysh and Rabain secretly have the hots for each other, and the rumors afterwards affect their relationship. Casmari and Videryn seem to have something happening, after they hit it off while cleaning up a leaky storeroom.

Nikayden and Aydhara meet more of their fellow candidates: Ketlyn helps them get oriented after they get lost in the Lower Caverns, and Arlin meets Nikayden when he settles in the boy's side of the barracks. Ketlyn and Aydhara get up to their own kind of trouble, too. Aydhara is welcomed by Michally, and the two hit it off a little too well.

Riyanth's clutch hatches on the first day of Month 13! Welcome to the new Weyrling Class: A'radess, L'rin, N'kayden, Y'var, A'lin, Casmari, R'bain, V'dryn, H'taysh, Kailis, Ketlyn, and J'cello! K'vlin and J'nic keep them to a tight schedule, with a first day lecture and a talk about Weyr sexuality. J'nic keeps an eye on A'lin and L'rin. Following the trend of the other Weyrs, Casmari is the first female blue Impression at Barrier Lake! This class is going to keep the Weyrlingstaff on their toes…

The duties of Impressing are hitting home hard for Ketlyn, while she's reminded of the responsibilities of her family at home and their expectations now that she's a dragonrider.

N'kevyn and Avicath keep an eye on Aydhara after she's left Standing, promising to take her on more firelizard nest searches. One such search includes a trip with F'lin, at Aydhan's suggestion.

Zaverin helps a dragonless rider in the Infirmary.

G'weld, Raush, and G'wen transfer to Barrier Lake Weyrhold! G'wen receives a less-than-warm welcome when N'kevyn interrupts his meeting with Aydhan after Avicath lost a greenflight.

T'kala and Y'rim have a book date on the beach. Will romance blossom between the turned pages?

Written by Sia as L3

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.