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Stories set at Barrier Lake Weyrhold (1 - 25, most recent first)

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I'm Here for You
K'mai comes to I'serin after the tragedy at Barrier Lake
Writers: Devin, Halyonix
Characters: K'mai, I'serin

Ketlyn and Aydhara connect after Ketlyn's Impression
Writers: Sia, Yvonne
Characters: Aydhara, Ketlyn

Aydhan remembers talking with Zaverin only a few days before his attack on Kapera.
Writers: Heather, Sia
Characters: Aydhan, Zaverin

Suspicious Jammies
N’kevyn attempts to hide his firelizard mishap from his weyrmate
Writers: Shawna, Sia
Characters: N'kevyn, Aydhan

Early Morning Comfort
Aydhan and N’kevyn discuss the aftermath of the completion ceremony events
Writers: Shawna, Sia
Characters: Aydhan, N'kevyn

We Know What We Are
R'bain and A'lin hang out and catch up on life and changes since Impressing.
Writers: Corrin, Francesca
Characters: R'bain, A'lin

Distinguished Guests
O'rosin takes Cirina to the Barrier Lake Weyr completion ceremony
Writers: Duskdog, Shawna, Sia
Characters: O'rosin, H'taysh, Cirina

Dinner Date
The Weyrwoman Seconds (and N'kevyn) have dinner
Writers: Duskdog, Shawna, Sia
Characters: Aydhan, Nidre, N'kevyn

Please Don't Snitch About the Stitches
N’kevyn visits the infirmary to be patched up after losing a fight with firelizards
Writers: Shawna, Suzee
Characters: N'kevyn, Garion

The Weyrlings Will Remember
The weyrlings are gathered by K'lvin immediately after RIyanth's death.
Writers: Aaron, Avery, Corrin, Duskdog, Francesca, Halyonix, Heather, Iluva, Sia, Yvonne
Characters: K'lvin, Rasme, V'dryn, N'kayden, Ketlyn, H'taysh, R'bain, A'radess, L'rin, A'lin, J'nic, Casmari, J'cello, Kailis, Y'var

Who's Showing Promise?
K'lvin and J'nic determine the first round of group and trio leaders.
Writers: Francesca, Heather
Characters: K'lvin, J'nic

A Night of Revelation
Jeyme seeks answers about J'nus and Zaverin
Writers: Heather
Characters: Jeyme, D'kere

The Strength for Mercy
J'nus sits with Kapera in the Infirmary
Writers: Yvonne
Characters: J'nus

A Night to Remember (3)
The leadership of Barrier Lake Weyr respond to Kapera’s emergency.
Writers: Sia, Heather, Avery
Characters: Zehva, Rasme, Aydhan, K'ran

Reverse Psychology
Avicath gives some advice that can definitely be trusted
Writers: Halyonix, Shawna
Characters: N'kevyn, Br'elt

N'kevyn remembers asking Aydhan to be his weyrmate
Writers: Shawna, Sia
Characters: N'kevyn, Aydhan

Dinner Scramble
A dinner mix up!
Writers: Len, Steel
Characters: G'weld, G'wen

New Recruit
Br'elt makes a friend in F'lin
Writers: Halyonix, Yvonne
Characters: F'lin, Br'elt

Best Party Ever
The boys celebrate after throwing Aydhara into the lake during the completion ceremony
Writers: Corrin, Duskdog, Sia
Characters: R'bain, H'taysh, J'cello

The Perfectly Safe Bluerider
Rasme and C'ris reflect on their unusual relationship while celebrating the goldrider's birthingday.
Writers: Heather
Characters: Rasme, C'ris

We'll Always Remember
Jeyme and Zaverin attend the completion ceremony.
Writers: Heather
Characters: Jeyme, Zaverin, H'riv

A Hair Disaster
Ketlyn borrows J'cello's sweetsand with disastrous consequences
Writers: Sia, Yvonne
Characters: J'cello, Ketlyn

Heads in the Clouds
R'bain and Ketlyn discuss clouds... mostly
Writers: Corrin, Yvonne
Characters: R'bain, Ketlyn

A Night to Remember (2)
J'nus and D'kere are summoned from the Weyr Completion Celebration by an emergency.
Writers: Heather, Yvonne
Characters: J'nus, D'kere, Istlan, Laniva

New Friends and Old Grudges
R'bain and J'cello take a short break at the Barrier Lake Party.
Writers: Corrin, Sia
Characters: R'bain, J'cello

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.