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Reports for Dolphin Cove Weyr

December 10th 2024

The weyrlings take their first jumps /between/, and while most do a good job, O'rosin ends up far down the beach, which scares him, the Weyrlingmaster, and the whole class.

B'nell loses badly at chess and E'tariax tries to teach him how to swear. B'nell also meets the new Weyrwoman Second and offers his expertise in history. When B'nell's harper friend comes for a visit they have a little jam session.

O'dyn runs -- literally -- into Nidre while carrying his laundry and they chat a bit about their dragons. The blue weyrling also has a pleasant chat with Wingleader S'kand. R'ayl helps O'dyn when he struggles with making his riding straps.

Azureth plays with some of his clutchmates, too busy to repeat everything for B'lyse. L'fael starts to wonder if B'lyse is deaf. R'lor wonders, too, when he sees how well B'lyse picks up hand signals despite struggling in class otherwise. When he confronts B'lyse about it, he finally admits that he's deaf and has been hiding it. Sh'del is there to comfort the young man and R'lor decides to have Ç'pier interpret for him in class since he knows hand signing.

R'lor assigns R'ayl to start learning sign language from Ç'pier, and R'ayl is eager to learn. L'fael confronts Ç'pier about his past and they get into an argument.

Cirinia makes herself comfortable in O'rosin's weyr and suggests he get more furniture. Oriene catches up with her friend Tirraze and they talk about how Tirraze feels more grounded in herself now. Vytian discusses possibly apprenticing to the dragonhealers with J'lor. Reyela and a fellow greenrider decide to take a break from studying and go for drinks instead. R'fal asks T'lin how he can get his sister Searched.

K'don has been spending a lot of time with his Wingthird M'trel, and it seems the young brownrider might have a bit of an infatuation.

R'lor congratulates Alyena on her promotion to Headwoman and the two of them look forward to working together. After returning to Dolphin Cove, Vandor meets with the new Headwoman. Vandor's good friend Tavia comes to pay him a visit from Dragonsfall.

While their dragons hunt, O'rosin and R'fayne chat. When they encounter each other in the bathing cavern, R'fayne finds enjoyment in making O'rosin uncomfortable.

R'lor gives a mating flight lecture to the riders of male dragons, and they have a very frank discussion about sex and being prepared for when their dragons catch.

N'vanik and R'lor discuss what to do with Ç'pier, and R'lor suggests he graduate and be put in the fighting Wings. They also let Saedyna know that she has the power to decide how long Ç'pier will pay her restitution.

A trader asks to see M'gan and she passes him a mysterious letter. It makes him remember when he was younger and boasted to his greenrider friend that dragons could go /between/ times. Of course Nirzhaya doesn't believe him, so he proves it by going back to the Weyr candlemarks ahead of her. Excited, she plans to go with him to the past, before the plagues, to do historical research.

There's lots of drama, romance, and mystery to be had at Dolphin Cove!

Written by Devin as L1

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.