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Reports for Printer Hall

August 5th 2024

Welcome back to the Printer Hall. It's been a long time. We've weathered storms and fires, but we're back and stronger than ever.

The Printer Hall is accepting apprentices of all ages and genders. Journeymen are encouraged to return to the Hall if able, but may remain in their posting if content. Master Aleriand has appointed Shassene his Hallsecond. Her work with print images and illustrations are shocking, scandalous, and works of art. Journeyman Wyndall has returned from Vista Point Weyr to focus on combining print and textiles. Journeyman Aikley has recently walked the tables and spends the majority of their time editing both books and Master Aleriand's schedule.

The dragonriders have already taken advantage of the Hall. Weyrleader N'vanik has come looking for presents for Turn's End (and a little something for him). Weyrlingmaster Second Sh'del claims that he's reading to his dragon, but perhaps that's just an excuse for the scandalous titles he's got tucked under his arm. Similarly, Wingleader J'nus claims that his novels are for his weyrmate, the Weyrwoman Kapera, but we know better. As always, purchasing and borrowing histories are confidential. Speculation, however, is free.

And it's not just books: Wingsecond B'nell has requested copies and restorations of Dolphin Cove records. He's looking for trends in Impressions over the turns, hoping to understand why blue dragons are starting to Impress women.

Amongst that speculation is the casual frequency of bronzerider J'ine appearing in the evenings, despite his recent and sudden transfer to Barrier Lake Weyrhold.

Master Aleriand has been working too hard to get the Printer Hall ready for the Grand Reopening as part of Emerald Falls Hold's Turn's End celebrations, which includes causing extra stress for Journeyman Aikley.

The Printer Hall Library has begun taking subscriptions. For a small fee, you can get books hand-delivered to you each month by your protectorate's dragonriders, like greenrider Zariah from Dragonsfall Weyr.

The Turn's End Celebrations appear to be going well (though are still in full swing), though the young bachelor Corofel doesn't seem to be taking any attention away from the still-single Aleriand. No ambitious lady or dowager is appearing to catch his eye, however.

Written by Sia as L1

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.