Persona Profile: D'boran
Dragonsfall Weyr
Amber Hills Hold
Vintner Hall
Hidden Meadows
Dolphin Cove Weyr
Dolphin Hall
Emerald Falls Hold
Harper Hall
Printer Hall
Green Valley Hold
Leeward Lagoon Hold
Barrier Lake Weyrhold
Sunstone Seahold
Citrus Bay Hold
Elsewhere on Pern
NPC Weyr (NPC)
River Bluff Weyr
Seacraft Hall
Writer: Shawna
Name: D'boran
Pronunciation: Duh-bor-an
Age: 37
Birthday: m8 d5
Rank: Wingrider, Willow Wing
Location: Barrier Lake Weyrhold
Craft: Dragonhealer
Craft Rank: Senior Journeyman
Physical Description of Persona:
D’boran has dark eyes and chestnut hair that he keeps trimmed short (it’s easier to keep clean that way), and he tends to be neatly shaven. He starts out looking every inch the respectable healer every morning but somehow before his shift ends he has always managed to acquire a slightly rumpled or dirty appearance, whether it be ichor or blood or simply mud from one of his charges or ink from one of his countless side projects. He’s of average height and tends towards slender, as much from inattention to meal times as anything else.
Emotional Description of Persona:
D’boran is a misunderstood genius… or at least that’s what he thinks he is. The fact that he has succeeded thus far in his craft makes it clear he is at least moderately intelligent, though his contributions thus far do not justify his self-importance. He always has ideas and projects he’s working on and is always convinced this one is going to be his great breakthrough.
He adores dragons, moreso even than most weyrbred- their form, their personalities, their inherent devotion to their duties to protect Pern. He gets along less well with people, the straight to the point communication that serves well with dragons serving less well with their riders and his peers, and he sometimes comes across as a little rude and abrupt.
History of Persona:
D’boran’s father was a bronzerider, and his grandfather before him, and there were expectations placed on him at a young age. He became good at ignoring them, spending his youth more focused on his healing craft than his Candidate lessons. As he got older and older, his teachers began to worry that they’d lose a valuable dragonhealing apprentice to aging out, but just when it seemed he might, his dragon found him, just like he always knew she would. He considers it to have worked out perfectly, since he was able to spend extra time in his early studies.
That it wasn’t a bronze (or even a brown like one of his brothers) bothered D’boran not at all. If anything, he preferred it- he always felt more useful in the Infirmary than in the air, and his wingleaders would all agree that he makes no more than a mediocre rider in the air.
After the loss of River Bluff, he and his brother wound up settling at Barrier Lake Weyrhold, at least in part because of D’boran’s enthusiasm for wanting to live at the newest Weyr.
Family and Friends
D'brul, 44, Wingrider, Skybroom Wing, Barrier Lake Weyrhold (brother)
Dragon's Name: Sondrith
Dragon's Age: 16
Dragon's Colour: Green
Description of Dragon:
Sondrith is a delicate, pretty little green, her hide a deep emerald color that is almost always shined to perfection. Unlike her rider, she puts more stock in appearances, and insists on being kept clean and shiny.
An easy going dragon with a calm demeanor and a cheery disposition that is valuable both in the air and in the Infirmary. Good at cheering up and distracting their patients, she is very calm under pressure.
Meatroll, Blue Firelizard: aged 5, hatched m10 d17
Meatroll is a large blue firelizard, and a little plumper than most. He can frequently be found snoozing in an out of the way corner of the infirmary.
Meatroll is a very food oriented firelizard, always willing to do tasks in exchange for a treat. Sometimes it's not the task he was asked to do, but he does his best.
Approved: October 18th 2024
Last updated: October 18th 2024