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January Bonus Locations
Persona Creation: Printer Hall
Posting Bonus: Emerald Falls Hold & Vintner Hall


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Persona Profile: Corofel

Writer: Aaron


Name: Corofel
Age: 18
Birthday: m9 d12
Rank: Acting Lord Holder
Location: Emerald Falls Hold

Physical Description of Persona:
Corofel has strawberry blond hair that is darkening with age to auburn brown and honey-brown eyes. His face is still child-round, but he shows a promise of becoming handsome man. He is of average height for his age and has normal body build. His skin is tanned from spending lot of time outdoors.

Emotional Description of Persona:
Corofel is a light-hearted, friendly prankster. He is smart when he puts his mind into it, but he tends to take the easy way out. (Unless he's inventing pranks.) He loves riding and runners and being outdoors. He cares about his siblings more than he admits, but this does not prevent him bickering with them. He befriends people easily and knows how to behave when he wants to. Sometimes, his position as Lord's Heir has gone to his head, but people around him usually pull him back down. He never stays angry or sullen for long. His mother's death affected him deeply, and he's secretly afraid of losing someone else he loves.

History of Persona:
Corofel is the first child of Corowal and Ofelia, and his father's Heir.

Born in Coral Bay hold, he has four younger siblings and at least one older half-sister. His childhood was an ordinary one until his father was nominated as a Steward of Emerald Falls Hold. They moved there when his mother was expecting his youngest sister. Ofelia died during the birth of Wallia, which was a tough spot for Corofel. His attachment to their fostermother helped him to overcome the grief.

Corowal became Lord Holder few months later. Corofel was named as Lord's Heir, and he started to learn new duties and responsibilities as such. His father's remarrying did not affect Corofel much. He liked his new step-mother and his life continued pretty much as before. That is, until his father started to arrange a fostering for him.

Corofel spent five Turns at Amber Hills Hold. He made a long-time friend of Rohegelen, later R'gelen, at the Vintner Hall during his time there, but over the Turns, they drifted apart due to the distance. Still, he learned an important lesson about responsibility when he left the Hold with R'gelen and his bronze without telling anyone, and he was feared to have been kidnapped in the wake of the Lady Holder Benani's own disappearance.

His final life lesson at Amber Hills before returning home was from a guard who caught him at his latest attempt to pull a prank�" have a care for whether his target would find his antics to be as funny as he did, and learn to be a little bit sneakier about it if he did not want to be caught.

Family and Friends
Corowal, 56, Lord Holder, Emerald Falls Hold (father)
L'cor, 23, Wingrider, Cyclone Wing, Dolphin Cove Weyr (Half-brother [illegitimate son of Corowal])


Ellay, Blue Firelizard: aged 0, hatched m11 d1
Ellay is the universe's gift to Corofel for Turns of obsession with pranks and practical jokes. For instance, he has all the affection in the world for Corofel, but still thinks it would be hilarious to defecate in his boot rather than between like a normal draconic. Of course, he always means to tell Corofel where he hid that thing-- he did not really mean to steal it. He just forgot. But he is always so full of remorse and loving contrition that Corofel could not possibly stay mad at him. Luckily for Corofel, the little thing focuses all of his tricks on him. He would never dream of doing such things to anyone who did not understand just how sorry he was for doing them.

Approved: April 8th 2011
Last updated: June 2nd 2024

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