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December Bonus Locations
Persona Creation: Emerald Falls Hold
Posting Bonus: Vintner Hall & Harper Hall


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Persona Profile: Saedyna

Writer: Devin

Name: Saedyna
Age: 18
Birthday: m5 d10
Rank: Senior Weyrling
Location: Dolphin Cove Weyr

Crayon Awards: Favorite Victim (August 2024)

Physical Description of Persona:
She has deep blue eyes, curly blonde hair, and fair skin with a smattering of freckles across her face and shoulders. She burns easily and has to take care in the tropical sun of Dolphin Cove.

When working or caring for her dragon she wears practical clothes, but outside that she often wears nicer dresses and jewelry. She especially loves dressing up for events like Hatchings and Turnover.

Her body bears a few scars and burn marks from her husband as well as the recent attack she suffered at the hands of Ç'pier.

Emotional Description of Persona:
Saedyna used to carry herself with a wary air, but has recently begun to grow into a hard-won and sometimes paper-thin confidence. The past few Turns of her life have been filled with fear, and she's determined to change that.

Some of her fellow Candidates think she's a bit dim, but it's only the effects of her trauma that make it hard for her to pay attention or plan too far into the future.

She loves beautiful things and has had far too little of them in her life until this point. She dreams of surrounding herself with jewelry, trinkets, and fine clothes.

History of Persona:
Born to a poor family, her parents gave her to the first man who offered enough marks for her hand. She was only fifteen. Koaz was more than twice her age and abusive. Her pleas to her parents found no mercy, and her husband's abuse only grew worse. In desperation she paid bluerider Ay'ell to "Search" her so she could escape to the Weyr.

She didn't think too much about how she was going to pay the ten marks she owed him. After Ay'ell sent someone to hurt her, Saedyna tried to threaten to expose him. It was the only thing she could think of since there was no way for her to get that much money. That only made things worse, and Ay'ell sent Pierce to "take care" of her.

Saedyna survived the attack but doesn't remember what happened in that storeroom. Ç'pier later confessed and now has to pay her money as restitution. Saedyna then blackmailed Ay'ell into sending her marks every month.

Knowing that her Search was fake, she assumed Impression was impossible, but Avarith chose her anyway.

Dragon's Name: Avarith
Dragon's Age: 0
Dragon's Colour: Green
Next Mating Flight: m4 d15 of turn 12
Description of Dragon:
Avarith is a small emerald green, as beautiful and strong as the gem itself. She’s an elegant lady who likes to be admired, and she’ll sometimes do silly things to get attention. Strong-willed and fearless in standing up for Saedyna, she will confront anyone short of a Queen or weyrwoman if they upset her lifemate. In her first few months, she’ll lash out over every minor thing that distresses Saedyna, but as she gets older this will mellow. She’ll begin to form friendships with clutchmates and older dragons of all colors, building a wide network she can call on for help and letting her feel secure that she can protect herself and others.

Approved: April 15th 2024
Last updated: November 16th 2024

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.