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January Bonus Locations
Persona Creation: Printer Hall
Posting Bonus: Emerald Falls Hold & Vintner Hall


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Persona Profile: Inyara


Name: Inyara
Pronunciation: In - ya - rah
Age: 19
Birthday: m13 d30
Rank: Junior Weyrling
Location: Barrier Lake Weyrhold
Job: Smithcrafter
Craft: Smith
Craft Rank: Junior Journeyman
Speciality: Metalwork
Face Claim: Karen David

Physical Description of Persona:
Inyara is a powerful woman. While not burly by any means, she is tall and her body well-muscled, especially her arms. She has light brown skin that is marked by a handful of small scars on her hands. Her thick black hair goes down to her shoulder blades and is often kept pulled back in a tight braid. She has warm, wide, expressive brown eyes and a soft face.

Emotional Description of Persona:
Inyara is hard-working to the point of obsession. When she pours her all into something, she makes it everything that she is. Throughout her entire life, that something has been the smithcraft. Her dedication has left her with an exceptional talent and brilliant reputation within her craft. However, it has also made her very socially awkward, perhaps even stunted, due to having lived her entire life with no friends to speak of. Her status as a prodigy who's had everything go her way has also made her someone who handles failure and loss very, very poorly.

There is a chance that Inyara might be a little lonely. However, there's hardly a force on Pern that will get her to admit it. As long as she has her craft, she doesn't see herself as having any reason to change it, either.

History of Persona:
Inyara can't remember a day in her life when she didn't know what she wanted to be. She was born to a pair of smithcrafters at the northern smithhall, it was only natural that she decided to follow in their footsteps. However, she wasn't willing to settle for just being a smith, she needed to be the best. Her childhood was spent obsessing over her future craft. The second she was old enough to apprentice, she did so, throwing herself fully into her studies. If she eschewed things like friends and romance in the process, so what? She was focusing on what was important.

Inyara soon became known as a smithcrafting prodigy. That status helped her to walk the tables and become a Junior Journeyman at a young age. Of course, that wasn't enough for her. She wanted to be the youngest Mastercrafted in the history of Pern. If she hoped to do that, she needed to get some impressive feats under her belt quickly. She applied for a temporary transfer to the southern continent to assist with the construction of Barrier Lake Weyrhold for exactly that reason. Her plan was simple: she would spend a couple of turns on the backwards south, make a name for herself as a woman who helped build a Weyr, and move back north to start on her next great project.

There was nothing in the world that could stop her.

Family and Friends
Varna, 45, Master Smith (Mother)
Yinnian, 43, Journeyman Smith (Father)

Dragon's Name: Selesinath
Dragon's Age: 0
Dragon's Colour: Green
Next Mating Flight: m6 d24 of turn 12
Description of Dragon:
Selesinath may be small, but she is not dainty. She is sleek, swift, strong, and sharp, so graceful as never to put a single foot wrong and to soar through the air as though all else is moving in slow motion. She is a master hunter who can dispatch both the largest and the smallest prey with ease and has a hunter green hide to match.

Selesinath loves other greens. She will seek to form large webs of friends among them, even to organize and lead them on hunts or other endeavors. However, she regards most if not all male dragons with mild disdain-- at best, she will tolerate those she actually likes, and she will outright scorn those she does not. She might make special exceptions for her clutchbrothers, but even they are likely to elicit sighs and headshakes when they are even the slightest bit silly.

Approved: February 4th 2024
Last updated: July 20th 2024

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.