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Persona Profile: N'kyri

Writer: Corrin


Name: N'kyri
Age: 40
Birthday: m13 d29
Rank: Wingrider, Cyan Wing
Location: Dragonsfall Weyr

Physical Description of Persona:
A rider’s rider, N’kyri looks born to wear the leathers. Tall, broad shouldered and weather-bronzed, the lifestyle agrees with him. His hair, sun-streaked brown, is perpetually tousled, if not from a recent flight, then from his own restless hand or a lover’s. His eyes, an electric blue, have been trained into a half squint against bright skies and cold winds, a habit that serves to furnish his expression with a constant intensity no matter how trivial the situation. There's an appealing manliness to him: clean cut looks, a sharp jaw and strong cheekbones that carve his face with smooth planes and shadows.

What he’s really known for though is his grin, a sharp flash of white and a hint of mischief.

Emotional Description of Persona:
He’s gregarious, he’s the life of any party. He’s moody, he’s masking the pain.

That’s all N’kyri. He’s what you get when a happy-go-lucky flyboy, who grew up in an age of peace, finally is thrown into battle.* The face he generally shows to the world is one of smiling confidence. It's buoyed by a certain level of pride and entitlement he felt as one of the rare Interval rides (“It was harder to Impress back then!”) which has only grown as he’s fought Thread over the turns and feels the world owes him something for that pain. He is fiercely protective of his friends, his wingmates. He’s tired of losing people. He’s scared of Thread.

He copes with his grief and fear by throwing himself into relationships and chasing sensation. He’s always throwing parties in his weyr. It’s one of the larger ones, usually allotted to weyrmated couples. He rarely has a weyrmate for long, but manages to keep the weyr with charm and bribes.

* A battle he’s been fighting for over a decade now, and likely won’t see the end of during his lifetime.

History of Persona:
The son of a cook and (allegedly) a dragonrider, young Nalakyri had a wild and happy youth running around Far Island Weyr with his friends and foster siblings. The Interval was a magical time, he sorely misses the peace of it now, not to mention the faces of those Impressed and gone. Nals felt they had the run of the world then, clambering all over the weyr, catching rides with indulgent wingrider parents to foreign climes. Everything seemed possible, even more so when he Impressed at 12. There had only been 10 eggs in the clutch and nearly every weyrbrat wanted one. He Impressed blue, but couldn’t have been prouder if Oriath were bronze as a gong.

Suddenly /he/ was the relative with a dragon. He /adored/ it. Graduation put him to work with some light transport and courier duties, but he made time for his old friends, those with dragons now and those, like his foster siblings, without. In his downtime he was always arranging excursions to beaches and waterfalls he and other young riders had found, pooling marks to buy the best wines, and generally living life to the fullest." As full as a young man with his own marks and teleporting dragon can.

Thread changed all that. After about a decade and a half of gadding about Pern on dragonback, Thread really returned. N’kyri honestly had some doubts it would, but suddenly all those tedious drills and formations were for /something/. Suddenly it was a matter of life and death. And there was so much death. Though harper tales claim Thread is an age old enemy, it was a new one that day and claimed many lives. Friends. Playmates. A bit of N’kyri twisted that day.

He was always fun loving, pleasure seeking, but it became a mission. As if he had to live it up for all those who no longer could. As if he had to live it up because he might be eaten alive tomorrow.

And so he does.

Over the turns, his version of “living it up” got him in trouble from time to time. After a final misunderstanding about some sacks of wine in the 8th Turn of the Pass, N’kryi put in for a transfer to Dragonfall weyr, where he hoped his foster sister, the Weyrwoman Saibra, would be more sympathetic.


Family is very important to him. He frequently visits his foster family, wherever they are.


He’s a good friend, a loyal wingmate-- and a naughty dragonrider. N’kyri is the type to steal apples from a Hold orchard as he passes, or even a herdbeast from a pen, with no thought as to how it impacts the Holders.

Family and Friends
Saibra, 40, Weyrwoman., Dragonsfall Weyr (Foster sister)
Tulia, 76, Foster mother (Foster mother)

Dragon's Name: Oriath
Dragon's Age: 28
Dragon's Colour: Blue
Description of Dragon:
A steely blue, Oriath is lean and sleek, built for speed. He's a sprinter, not a marathoner, a nimble flier that shines both in Thread fighting and short mating flights. They’re one of those lifemate pairs that are very similar in personality. Ori has N’kyri’ sociability and energy, but lacks the tendency to dwell which makes his headspace a healthy respite for his rider at times.

In Threadfall, N’kyri and Oriath fight with an almost feral ferocity, intent on staying alive, on keeping their friends in the air alive too.

Approved: January 6th 2024
Last updated: April 13th 2024

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.