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Persona Profile: E'drivan


Name: E'drivan
Pronunciation: Ed-riv-anne
Age: 21
Birthday: m10 d13
Rank: Junior Weyrling
Location: Dragonsfall Weyr
Craft: Harper
Craft Rank: Junior Journeyman

Physical Description of Persona:
E'drivan is a handsome man and based on his posture and countenance you would assume he was a bronzerider. There's a certain tilt of his head, a confidence in the ease of his smile, and let's not mention the thick head of glorious glossy hair. The ebony tresses shine a blue-black in the sunshine. He keeps his hair cut at a medium length that he then combs back out of his hazel eyes.

Emotional Description of Persona:
There's an ease and confidence to E'drivan that sometimes makes him insufferable. It's not that he's cocky or arrogant, but he's led a charmed life. Smart and intelligent, he has a quick wit and makes friends readily.

History of Persona:
E'drivan, born Emdrivan, was raised at Dragonsfall Weyr. This sometimes makes him a bit of a know-it-all to newcomers. He knows every nook, cranny, and hidey-hole in the Weyr, and uses them to his advantage.

His mother was a lower caverns worker who perished when he was young. His bluerider father and his greenrider weyrmate ended up raising E'drivan instead. When Thread returned, of course, his parents became busy and E'drivan was turned over to the creche.

Despite having two dads who rode dragons, E'drivan didn't consider Standing at first. He was far more interested in the harpercraft, and pursued it with great interest. His gitar playing and singing skills are actually superb, to the annoyance of the people who don't like him.

As if his gifts in harpercraft weren't enough, E'drivan decided, at the late age of 21, to Stand, and managed to Impress his blue Wevreth his first time out.

Family and Friends
Esthrem, 1, Drudge (Mother (Deceased))
D'vanre, 45, Bluerider (Father (Biological))
B'thyn, 42, Greenrider (Dad)

Dragon's Name: Wevreth
Dragon's Age: 1
Dragon's Colour: Blue
Description of Dragon:
Wevreth is a soft, rainy day blue. He's sleek and destined to be fast and agile.

Approved: November 16th 2024
Last updated: November 16th 2024

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.