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You Should Act Properly

Writers: Ames, Paula
Date Posted: 25th March 2013

Characters: Puwul, Shyow
Description: Puwul and Shyow discuss Tavern matters
Location: Vintner Hall
Date: month 12, day 12 of Turn 6

"Good Morning Puwul," Shyow said as she entered the Tavern. It was
early and the doors had not yet opened to the many Tavern visitors who
would come for the day.

She glanced around and notice the jar of marks was near the Tavern
Master. She swallowed a bit, hoping the numbers would match what she
had recorded. Her counting was good, but at times she missed something
here or there. She couldn't risk being caught, not now. Not when
everything depended on it.

"Morning Shyow. Want a mug of klah?" Puwul greeted and tapped a klah
pot next to him.

"Of course," she replied, moving up to the bar and filling her own cup
of klah. "It was a good night last eve," she added, having worked the
later shift at the tavern.

"It was," Puwul agreed. She was a new in the Tavern, and he really
didn't know her yet. He liked to know his staff, who was willing to go
out with patrons, (after work of course), who not, who sold ale under
the desk and who was always late. "You didn't have any troubles with
patrons, did you? Sometimes those late evenings can get rowdy."

"No, not really," Shyow replied. "A few so drunk they basically fell
asleep on the tables. I was worried I wouldn't be able to get them
out. Thankfully some of the last men helped. What do I do when
something like that happens again?" She knew she wasn't strong enough
to drag a grown man out of the bar if he was a dead weight.

"Get my son or one of the twins to carry him out," Puwul replied.
Twins were brothers he employed as bouncers and heavy labour workers.
They weren't very smart, but strong and loyal. ""I've thrown out few
men too, so if I'm still around I can help too."

"Ok, thank you. I'll remember that next time," she replied, sipping
from her own mug of klah. "Anything else I should know?"

"This is _hall_ run Tavern, so you should act properly. If you flirt
with customers, do it discreetly. We are not supposed to know what the
dragonriders are up to when they rent a room and If you steal, don't
get caught," Puwul said. The last one was said as joke, but it was
only half-joke. This wasn't Puwul's Tavern. He got regular wage and
all the profits went to the Vintner Hall.

Her heart nearly skipped a beat. **Does he know?** She wondered and
worried at his last words. Swallowing she forced her smile back onto
her face. He hadn't accused her, but had just given advice. "Thank
you. That is good to remember. I will do my best to follow those

Puwul nodded. "This tavern has a good reputation and we like to
maintain it," he said. Finished with his count, he added the number to
a ledger, swept the coins to a strongbox and locked. "Well, I need to
take this to the Hall, you can start by making the tables ready. Venny
is doing the bedrooms and Helisse is sweeping floors."

"Will do," Shyow replied, moving to start gathering the supplies to do
as Puwul asked. It wouldn't take her long to get the tables set for
the guests who would arrive later in the day.

Last updated on the April 1st 2013

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