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A Family Morning

Writers: Heather, Suzee
Date Posted: 26th September 2024

Characters: Zathris, Benani
Description: Zathris and Benani enjoy a family morning with their children.
Location: Amber Hills Hold
Date: month 8, day 28 of Turn 11




Benani sat at her small desk in the private dining room basking her
face in the morning sun when a shadow crossed her eyes and a chirp of
firelizard made her smile.

"Well hello there," she opened her eyes to a tiny blue filt. He was
offering his foot which had a message tied to it. "Mystery," she
grinned. "Is Arippa alright?" She caught the message and pulled it
free. Then she reached into a dish on the sideboard and pulled out a
sausage from breakfast as a reward.

"Zathris," she called. "We have a message from Green Valley."

The Lord Holder of Amber Hills entered from his dressing room,
bare-chested, with half of his face lathered, and the other half
shaved smooth. He held a straight-edge razor in one hand, and a towel
in the other. "What's the news?" he asked as he walked over, flipping
the hand towel to rest over his bare shoulder.

She'd quickly perused the message which was cysinkt. "Seems, the
Harper sent to investigate got a description of three men who were
trying to cause trouble but the local farmers kicked them out. She got
a fairly good description. She's on her way back. More information to
follow. It's from Arippa."

Zathris bent, putting his face near Benani's to look at the letter.
"Is that so? I'm glad they got a harper out to look into it." The half
of his face that was still lathered for shaving, brushed up against
Benani's cheek. "Oops," he grinned mischievously.

"Ech," she said, pushing him away with a grin. She grabbed one of her
handkerchiefs from the drawer and wiped the stuff from her face. "You
are a bad man," she said playfully.

"I am," he agreed with a rakish grin. "Perhaps you could finish up for
me?" He extended the handle of the straight-razor in her direction.

"I might cut you," her brows drew together with worry. "Are you sure
you want me to try?"

"You can do it," he encouraged. Pulling a chair over, he took a seat
in it and tilted his head back for her.

She looked at him doubtfully. He was always so perfectly groomed. He
was the most handsome man she'd ever seen and she couldn't bear to mar
his perfect face. But she rose to her feet and took the razor and
towel from his shoulder. She blew out a breath and started to scrape
the side of his face.

Zathris held still, but he didn't close his eyes. Instead, he studied
his wife's face. The delicate curve of her nose, the way her brow
crinkled as she concentrated, the fullness of her lips... He gripped
the armrests of the chair to keep himself from pulling Benani into his

As she got closer to his ear, she put a finger on his nose to turn his
head slightly and bent closer so she could see exactly where the razer
was going. She didn't want to make any mistakes

His breath caught as her warm, clean scent washed over him. It amazed
him that even after Turns of marriage, she still had such a physical
effect on him. Would he ever be able to get enough of her? He didn't
think so.

Benani took the towel and wiped the remains of the soap from his face.
"How is that?"

"Perfect," he said, without even touching his face to see. His hands,
instead, were grasping Benani's wrists and pulling her down into his

Benani squealed as she was pulled off balance but then she giggled and
wrapped her arms around his neck.

Zathan's voice came from the doorway. "Are you tickling momma again dada?"

Zathris paused, savoring the feel of his wife in his arms for just a
moment longer, before turning his head to look at his son. "Yes, I am.
Your mother loves to be tickled." He grinned rakishly, his fingers
skirting along Benani's ribcage.

Benani couldn't help the laughter and squirming. **Yes mommy _does_
like to be tickled by dadda,** she thought.

Zathan whooped and leaped forward with his little fingers like claws
to help dadda tickle the momma.

Moments later there were three little people diligently 'helping'
their dadda and Benani was out of breath.

"Alright, let's let Mama breathe," Zathris finally said amongst the giggling.

"Nimiliee, why don't you help Mama fix her hair? And boys," he turned
to his twin sons. "I think it looks like it is time for your first
shave." He winked at Benani.

'I love you,' she mouthed silently with a big smile for Zathris. Then
she pulled her daughter into her lap and gave her the brush.

Last updated on the September 26th 2024

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