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Nothing But Weak and Insecure

Writers: Halyonix
Date Posted: 24th October 2024

Characters: I'serin, A'len
Description: A'len gives his son a lot of unwanted advice
Location: Dragonsfall Weyr
Date: month 2, day 24 of Turn 12
Notes: Mentioned: M'kayre, R'enh, Saibra
continuing the Beartooth - Messed Up musical theme

“Appointing M’kayre as your Weyrsecond, bold move, son, but a good one,” A’len remarked without preamble as he strode into the Weyrleader’s office as though he had been granted permission to enter whenever.

I’serin, looming over his desk, looked up, his expression darkening. “I do not recall you knocking, as is polite and expected.”

A’len, impudent despite sixty Turns, draped himself into one of the chairs as if he hadn’t heard I’serin. “Must we hide behind formalities?” he asked dryly. “When I was Wingleader, you used to just barge into my office whenever, remember?”

“That was Turns ago and that is not the dynamic that exists now,” I’serin replied tightly. It was swiftly becoming a moot point and that bothered him. If A’len thought that he could impede upon I’serin’s time whenever he sharding well pleased…

How was it that he could defend the perceived boundaries of the Weyrwoman but not his own? How was it that he could accurately recount the entire volumes on certain subjects yet fail to clearly communicate his own expectations and wants? How was it that the moment his father left, I’serin felt a master of himself once more, but the moment that man walked into the room, he was a mewling child again?

He should have tossed his father out.

He didn’t.

Hating himself for caving yet again, he sank into his chair and prepared himself to hear the rest of whatever A’len had come here to praise or pick apart. “Seeing that you insist upon this impromptu meeting, you have precisely ten minutes,” I’serin stated, hoping that a clear limit would remind A’len that his son was on a tight schedule.

“Mm, yes, believe me, I’m aware how busy you are,” A’len said dismissively. With a waved hand, he went on to say, “You should aim to have an open-door policy as a leader though. Makes you more approachable. The Wingleaders will like you more. And you need them on your side.”

“I was under the impression that they were already _on_ my side,” I’serin replied, though harboring internal doubt. Certainly, he had heard nothing stating otherwise. Yes, he might not be on the greatest terms with them, most notably the cool relationship he had with R’enh, but that was most likely for personal reasons rather than professional ones.

“Oh, they are. For the most part. Rumor mill’s always churning though, so never get too comfortable. You should be having one on one meetings with them every sevenday at least.”

“I do so,” I’serin replied, feeling irked that A’len was giving him more unsolicited advice.

“Good. I heard you were rotating potential bronzeriders into Wingsecond positions. That’s a good idea. It’ll make it easier for the Wing to adjust when you replace the current ones.”

I’serin stilled. Replace the current ones? There were no plans to do that at all! “What gave you the idea that the intent is to replace the current ones?”

“Son, are you seriously going to let those competent bronzes just languish in _Wingrider_ positions? That’s a waste!”

“They are not languishing. They are performing in valuable positions of the Wing. You surely cannot expect me to expand the Wings, which we already have a full complement of, might I point out, without the chromatic dragons to support it. This way, they get experience in Threadfall leadership in case something changes.”

As I’serin was quite keenly aware.

“Well, if Aluneth keeps catching Chioneth like he just did, we won’t have to worry about that, will we?” A’len said with a cocky grin. “Thirty-seven eggs with a gold is a fine first clutch. In a Turn or two, we can exp--”

I’serin slammed his hands on the desk. “Enough!” Back to looming, he said, “There is no ‘we’ in this, father. You hold no rank except the one granted to you by Tirenth. You will not barge in here as though this is your office, your time, your leadership, and advise me on how to run this Weyr. Now, unless, you have something _constructive_ to bring to this conversation, within the bounds of your station, you are dismissed.”

The young Weyrleader braced himself for a fight. He had not spoken to his father like since he had been a mouthy teenager and it made him feel weak in the knees. He felt Aluneth’s support pressing against his mind and that was the only thing keeping him upright. That and the sturdy desk beneath his hands.

But A’len didn’t rise to the fight. He instead kept a cocky grin on his face, which was somehow more concerning, as he rose, bowed, and flippantly said, “As you wish, _Weyrleader_.”

He left.

I’serin collapsed into his chair.

**What have I done?** he gasped. His mind raced through a dozen outcomes that could spawn from the last few minutes, and each outcome branched into another dozen -- everything from the whole incident fading into quiet to a physical fight between him and his father to..to... no, he would not consider worse. It was just words. His father was just riling him up.

}: He disrespects you, in both your rank and your autonomy. He does not see you as a person in your own right. He sees you as a means to an end, :{ Aluneth remarked distastefully. There was a shift in the dragon’s tone as he apologetically added, }: I will do better in warning you if he is coming. :{ There was a long quiet between them as Aluneth offered his shaken rider mental support, which I’serin gratefully accepted.

}: You could…always consider transferring him to another Weyr. :{

_That_ got a broken laugh out of I’serin. **Do not tempt me.**

}: It was just a suggestion. :{

Last updated on the October 24th 2024

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