Member Rewards
Ways to Earn Marks
1 - Advertisement (link)Maximum of 10 advertising marks/month. Must be to a Pern fan group or closely related (fantasy/sci-fi). Council members ineligible.
2 - Post at a Weyr
2 - Advertisement (original text)
Maximum of 10 advertising marks/month. Must be to a Pern fan group or closely related (fantasy/sci-fi). Council members ineligible.
3 - Post at a Hold/Hall
4 - Post at a Bonus Location
Bonus Locations are announced by the Council.
5 - Nominating For Crayons
One Per Nomination.
5 - Getting Nominated For Crayons
5 - Post with/as a Newbie
5 - Voting in the Crayon Awards
One per contest.
10 - Mentor Salary
Council members ineligible.
10 - Welcome Committee Salary
Council members ineligible.
10 - Winning a Crayon Award
One Per Award.
10 - Admin Duties
10 - Submit an Original Song for the Website
10 - Participating in a Contest
10 - Completing Mentorship
10 - Persona for a Bonus Location
Bonus locations are annoucned by the Council.
15 - Weyrwide Storyline
Must have Council approval.
20 - Fill an open L2 or L3 Rank
20 - Holdwide/Hallwide Storyline
Must have Council approval.
25 - Craft Article
Must be approved by the Council.
25 - Member Recruitment
Awarded after member's first post.
100 - 10 Posts Completed at a new Minor Hold
For creators
250 - 10 Posts Completed at a new Major Hold or Hall
For creators
Ways to Spend Marks
25 - One firelizard egg to keep or distribute.Not a gold egg.
50 - Three firelizard eggs to distribute.
No gold eggs.
75 - Five firelizard eggs to keep or give away.
No gold eggs.
100 - Age Modification
100 marks per Turn. Increases are unlimited, decreases are limited to 2 years.
150 - Sub-Location Creation
A sub location is a place for PCs to be played that is not as big as a Hall, major Hold, or Weyr.
150 - Gold flit egg to keep or give away.
200 - Healthy, successful multiple birth of twins.
As a history or in character.
250 - Parent of new persona is an NPC Lord Holder.
300 - Persona Appearance Modification
Changes can include eye color, hair color or shade, and minor changes in height or general physical build. This doesn't include natural changes - for example haircuts, injury scars, a child growing taller. Must pass PA approval.
300 - Impress from the Stands.
300 - One complete flit clutch to distribute.
Between 3-7 eggs, 1 gold.
425 - Guaranteed Impression of Bronze
425 - Female blue rider
Must be a in post Impression as a Candidate with three IRL months of consistent posting
500 - Reactivate an existing PC Craft Hall
Subject to council approval.
700 - Gold flit egg to keep or give away exempt from the one gold flit (per member) rule.
Only one time per member for a maximum of two gold firelizards.
750 - Hears All Dragons Persona-New
subject to council approval
1000 - Create a New PC Craft Hall & Hallmaster at an existing Hold
Canon approval necessary.
1000 - Reactivate an existing PC Hold
Subject to council approval.
1000 - Upgrade an existing PC Minor Hold to Major
Must have 6 months of activity as a minor hold. Subject to council approval.
1500 - Retired Goldrider Exempt from the 1 Goldrider Rule.
2000 - Create a New PC Hold & Lord Holder.
Canon approval necessary.
3000 - Jr. Goldrider Exempt from the 1 Goldrider Rule.