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The Mystery of Master Unknown
A scandalous new gossip pamphlet is circulating around Emerald Falls.
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Stories set at Amber Hills Hold (1 - 25, most recent first)

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A Family Morning
Zathris and Benani enjoy a family morning with their children.
Writers: Heather, Suzee
Characters: Zathris, Benani

Learning to Breathe
Aedris is tired of suffocating and decides to take a chance on breathing.
Writers: Heather
Characters: Aedris

One Last Evening
Zathris and Corofel share the news of the Conclave's decision with Benani.
Writers: Aaron, Heather, Suzee
Characters: Zathris, Benani, Corofel

Moving Day
K'aur moves his family to the Weyr
Writers: Sia, Curious
Characters: Ekirim, K'aur, Kemira

The New Lord... Sort Of
Zathris tells Corofel what the Lord Holders' Conclave decided.
Writers: Aaron, Heather
Characters: Zathris, Corofel

The Missing Lord Holder
The Lord Holders Conclave discusses Lord Corowal's disappearance and his replacement options.
Writers: Estelle, Heather, Suzee
Characters: Zathris, Bryvin, Asment, Xelfin, Ethris, Giltran

The Snake in the Grass
H'run attends a small Gather incognito to measure the attitude of holders in the Amber Hills territory
Writers: Yvonne, Heather
Characters: H'run

Moving Back Home
Corofel returns home at last to find not all is as well as he expected.
Writers: Aaron, Suzee
Characters: L'cor, Corofel, Tarvon, Lantriv, Larvel

A Moment in Time
Zathris and Benani reflect on their relationship at Lord Bryvin's wedding reception.
Writers: Heather, Suzee
Characters: Zathris, Benani

Dysmin and Gyllie end their marriage and open up new possibilities for them both.
Writers: Heather
Characters: Gyllie, Dysmin

Saying Goodbye
Dysmin reflects on his marriage to Gyllian and why it was doomed from the start.
Writers: Heather
Characters: Gyllie, Dysmin

The Dragons Choose
Ashela visits Zathris at Amber Hills Hold to discuss the events of the Hatching
Writers: Estelle, Heather
Characters: Ashela, Zathris

Moment of Truth
Z'kai and blue Lakiath search at Amber Hills Hold.
Writers: Avery, Curious
Characters: Z'kai, K'aur, Mirima

The Slimmest Chance
Kesricaur tries to get his sister to go along with a plan.
Writers: Avery, Curious
Characters: K'aur, Mirima

Loella's nightmare brings a confession
Writers: Miriah, Suzee
Characters: Karhal, Loella

Desperate Dreams
When Karhal catches Kesricaur pacing in the courtyard, a conversation ensues and a promise is made.
Writers: Curious, Miriah
Characters: Karhal, K'aur

The Changes of Life
The two friends catch up during Thayde and Enamra's visit.
Writers: Heather
Characters: Thayde, Zathris

The Value of Family
Benamil asks Zathris' help covering up Saedriel's murder.
Writers: Heather
Characters: Zathris, Benamil

Keeping Things Hush-Hush
Benamil rejoices in the birth of his daughter; Arion and Nazli share their secret.
Writers: Heather, Suzee
Characters: Benamil, Arion, Nazli

Dragon Poker with a Twist PG-17
A drunken night of dragon poker takes place during a honeymoon
Writers: Heather, Miriah
Characters: Thayde, Enamra

A Honeymoon Vacation
Thayde and Enamra go on honeymoon/vacation
Writers: Heather, Miriah
Characters: Thayde, Enamra, H'riv, Zathris

Murder and a Baby
Nazli might have killed someone and Arion might have to cover it up.
Writers: Heather, Suzee
Characters: Nazli, Arion, Saedriel

Family Time
Karhal and Loella spend some time with their children.
Writers: Miriah, Suzee
Characters: Karhal, Loella

A Special Request
T'kev has a special request of Karhal.
Writers: Heather, Miriah
Characters: T'kev, Karhal, Melandra

Repairing Bridges
W'ser finally meets the daughter he never knew about- Nazli.
Writers: Heather, Suzee
Characters: W'ser, Nazli, Benani, Benamil

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.