Stories set at Amber Hills Hold (1 - 25, most recent first)
Dragonsfall Weyr
Amber Hills Hold
Vintner Hall
Hidden Meadows
Dolphin Cove Weyr
Dolphin Hall
Emerald Falls Hold
Harper Hall
Printer Hall
Green Valley Hold
Leeward Lagoon Hold
Barrier Lake Weyrhold
Sunstone Seahold
Citrus Bay Hold
Elsewhere on Pern
NPC Weyr (NPC)
River Bluff Weyr
Seacraft Hall
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A Family Morning
Zathris and Benani enjoy a family morning with their children.
Writers: Heather, Suzee
Characters: Zathris, Benani
Learning to Breathe
Aedris is tired of suffocating and decides to take a chance on breathing.
Writers: Heather
Characters: Aedris
One Last Evening
Zathris and Corofel share the news of the Conclave's decision with Benani.
Writers: Aaron, Heather, Suzee
Characters: Zathris, Benani, Corofel
Moving Day
K'aur moves his family to the Weyr
Writers: Sia, Curious
Characters: Ekirim, K'aur, Kemira
The New Lord... Sort Of
Zathris tells Corofel what the Lord Holders' Conclave decided.
Writers: Aaron, Heather
Characters: Zathris, Corofel
The Missing Lord Holder
The Lord Holders Conclave discusses Lord Corowal's disappearance and his replacement options.
Writers: Estelle, Heather, Suzee
Characters: Zathris, Bryvin, Asment, Xelfin, Ethris, Giltran
The Snake in the Grass
H'run attends a small Gather incognito to measure the attitude of holders in the Amber Hills territory
Writers: Yvonne, Heather
Characters: H'run
Moving Back Home
Corofel returns home at last to find not all is as well as he expected.
Writers: Aaron, Suzee
Characters: L'cor, Corofel, Tarvon, Lantriv, Larvel
A Moment in Time
Zathris and Benani reflect on their relationship at Lord Bryvin's wedding reception.
Writers: Heather, Suzee
Characters: Zathris, Benani
Dysmin and Gyllie end their marriage and open up new possibilities for them both.
Writers: Heather
Characters: Gyllie, Dysmin
Saying Goodbye
Dysmin reflects on his marriage to Gyllian and why it was doomed from the start.
Writers: Heather
Characters: Gyllie, Dysmin
The Dragons Choose
Ashela visits Zathris at Amber Hills Hold to discuss the events of the Hatching
Writers: Estelle, Heather
Characters: Ashela, Zathris
Moment of Truth
Z'kai and blue Lakiath search at Amber Hills Hold.
Writers: Avery, Curious
Characters: Z'kai, K'aur, Mirima
The Slimmest Chance
Kesricaur tries to get his sister to go along with a plan.
Writers: Avery, Curious
Characters: K'aur, Mirima
Loella's nightmare brings a confession
Writers: Miriah, Suzee
Characters: Karhal, Loella
Desperate Dreams
When Karhal catches Kesricaur pacing in the courtyard, a conversation ensues and a promise is made.
Writers: Curious, Miriah
Characters: Karhal, K'aur
The Changes of Life
The two friends catch up during Thayde and Enamra's visit.
Writers: Heather
Characters: Thayde, Zathris
The Value of Family
Benamil asks Zathris' help covering up Saedriel's murder.
Writers: Heather
Characters: Zathris, Benamil
Keeping Things Hush-Hush
Benamil rejoices in the birth of his daughter; Arion and Nazli share their secret.
Writers: Heather, Suzee
Characters: Benamil, Arion, Nazli
Dragon Poker with a Twist PG-17
A drunken night of dragon poker takes place during a honeymoon
Writers: Heather, Miriah
Characters: Thayde, Enamra
A Honeymoon Vacation
Thayde and Enamra go on honeymoon/vacation
Writers: Heather, Miriah
Characters: Thayde, Enamra, H'riv, Zathris
Murder and a Baby
Nazli might have killed someone and Arion might have to cover it up.
Writers: Heather, Suzee
Characters: Nazli, Arion, Saedriel
Family Time
Karhal and Loella spend some time with their children.
Writers: Miriah, Suzee
Characters: Karhal, Loella
A Special Request
T'kev has a special request of Karhal.
Writers: Heather, Miriah
Characters: T'kev, Karhal, Melandra
Repairing Bridges
W'ser finally meets the daughter he never knew about- Nazli.
Writers: Heather, Suzee
Characters: W'ser, Nazli, Benani, Benamil