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The Farewell

Writers: Estelle, Miriah
Date Posted: 3rd October 2019

Characters: Lorican, Urlene
Description: Lorican and Urlene say their farewells
Location: Dolphin Cove Weyr
Date: month 11, day 26 of Turn 9


Urlene woke first, rising early. She'd had slept fitfully and had
allowed herself time to just watch Lorican as he slept before slipping
out of bed. Now fully dressed, she laid a gentle hand on his cheek.
"Lorican, it's time."

He stirred, his eyes fluttering, then opening, softening as he
recognised her face. "Urlene..." The light was still dim in the room,
and it took a moment for him to realise what she'd said. "Oh. I slept."
His heart sank. He'd meant to stay awake longer, or to wake earlier so
he could enjoy the last precious moments of the time together, but
they'd fallen asleep at last, exhausted, in each other's arms.

He had his duty, though, and the dragonrider would be waiting, wanting
to transport his passenger before Thread was due. Reluctantly, he pushed
himself to a sitting position. "How long do we have?"

"Half a candlemark. Enough time for you to bathe and dress." There was
no smile on her face, only a somber acceptance that their time together
had ended. "It'll be very early when you arrive, so you can get more
sleep after you're given quarters. I set out your clothes. " She rose,
not looking at him while she blinked back a sudden stinging in her eyes.
She mustn't do _that_ in front of him. She took a breath, picked up
the neat stack, and then brought it to him. Laying on top of his tunic
was a small, delicate ring with a tiny green gem set in the metal and a
length of cord looped through it. "I thought you might wear it. I want
you to have it."

Lorican reached out to take the clothes from her, looking up at her in
surprise as his fingers brushed the smooth metal of the ring, feeling
his heart swell. "Thank you." He picked it up, slipped the cord around
his neck. "I wish I had something more to give you." Though he had left
his drawings of her, stored neatly in a plain folder on the shelf
alongside her healing texts, keeping only a small sketch of her face and
shoulders. He wasn't certain what the quarters would be like at the
Weyrhold, and here they'd be private and safe.

"You've given me these three days." She sighed softly, a half- smile on
her lips as she ran her fingers through his hair lightly. "They made me
very happy. That's enough. Just promise me that you'll be careful,
avoid sharp objects, agenothree explosions, and clubs. I don't know who
they'll have posted there as a Healer. "

He smiled, despite himself. He'd be safe there - he had to be. No-one
other than her, his fellow crafters and perhaps a dragonrider or two
would know where he'd gone, and with time, anyone hunting him would
surely give it up as hopeless. "I promise. I won't undo your good work.
Though somehow, I can't regret this." He traced the scar on his chest,
already fading, with light fingers. "It brought me here to you."

"Let's not bring me anymore." Urlene laid fingers lightly on the scar.
"They're waiting, Lorican." She stepped away, crossing her arms over
her middle. If she kept on with that, it was likely that they'd end up
with a pounding on her door right in the middle of a very private
farewell. "I'll miss you. "

He felt their separation like a tightness in his throat, though he knew
why it had to be done. "I'll miss you, too. These last three
days...they've been perfect." Lorican hesitated, torn between his deep
reluctance to go and the knowledge that, if he lingered, he'd be
neglecting his duty to his craft and he wouldn't be the man he hoped she
saw in him. Then he sighed and stood, glanced down at the clothes in his
arms, heavier and warmer for the dragon flight. "I'll go and bathe. I
won't be long."

They had been perfect. So perfect. It felt as though it was far too
good to be true, this time with him. The precious days felt more
like a dream to her than reality. She held back and nodded.
"Alright." She didn't offer to join him, though she desperately
wanted to. So she took a breath and began to straighten the bed,
more out of habit than any real desire to. "I'll be here."

Lorican hesitated, then turned and went into the bathing room. He felt
a sense of dream-like unreality that might have been due to the early
hour, as though he couldn't quite believe that he was actually going
to leave her but couldn't stop himself going through the motions of
washing and dressing, either. Returning, he stood in the doorway, his
hand rising unconsciously to touch the ring where it hung at his neck.
"Urlene...you don't need to come out to the dragon. It'll be chilly,
and you need your sleep."

"I don't know if I can sleep now." Urlene's voice was a murmur as she
turned to face him, distressed by the finality of seeing him fully
dressed in cold-weather clothing. She only hesitated for a moment
before stepping forward, wrapping her arms around his waist and laying
her head against his shoulder. She wanted to tell him that she didn't
want him to leave, that he could stay with her, but didn't speak her
thoughts. "Thank you...about the dragon. But please, Lorican, be
careful there."

"I will. There'll be dragonriders there, and guards, and I won't stray
far from the camp. It'll be safe." He rested his head on hers, feeling
the softness of her hair against his cheek, and there was a catch in his
voice when he spoke again. "I'll come back to you, love. I promise. I'll
find a way."

Her eyes closed tightly and she squeezed her arms around him once more.
Urlene had heard and noticed what he had called her and wanted to answer
it, but felt far too uncertain and hesitant in her own feelings to
respond in kind. It was too soon, too raw, and the emotions simmering
beneath the skin were not rational or familiar. She took a shaky
breath, closed her eyes tight and stepped away, releasing him. "You'd
better go before they come for you."

"I promise," Lorican repeated quietly. He should go, he thought, before
he found it impossible to go at all. "Don't forget. I'll write..." He
took a breath. "Farewell, Master Urlene, until we meet again." Then he
turned, walked to the door, looked back for a brief moment, and was gone.

When the door closed, Urlene's eyes shut, moisture beading in her
lashes. She stood straight, not moving as she felt a tear leak down
her cheek. She caught her breath, hurriedly wiped her eyes and cleared
her throat. Sitting on the bed, she reached for the pillow he had used
and gathering it in her arms, laid down, burying her face into it to
inhale the remaining scent.

Last updated on the October 14th 2019

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.