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Symptoms of an Uh Oh

Writers: Emma, Miriah
Date Posted: 23rd June 2019

Characters: Lanniya, Teseada
Description: Teseada picks up on symptoms that Lanniya has missed
Location: Dragonsfall Weyr
Date: month 11, day 20 of Turn 9
Notes: Mentioned: R'enh, K'ale, F'lin, Saibra


Her lids felt so heavy and the words being spoken around the wing
meeting seemed to blur together into a jumbled mess of mumbles.
Struggling to stay alert and awake, Lanniya kept her eyes open by
sheer force of will, but as people began leaving the room, she sighed
and allowed them to close. She found herself with her head on her arms
and she promptly decided that the table was rather comfortable.

"You okay?" Teseada asked. "If it was a late night that's made you sleepy, i
hope it was fun."

Lanniya jerked her head up. "I'm awake!" She glanced around, saw Teseada
and flushed with a bit of embarrassment. "Sorry. I didn't have a late night.
I just have been really sleepy the past week. " She yawned widely, her face
stretching in what could have been seen as comical. "K'ale found me drooling
on my hidework yesterday."

"Just sleepy?" asked Teseada, easing into a seat by the younger goldrider.
"Have you been ill at all?"

"No..." She yawned again, then rested her hand on her hand, cheek smooshed
upwards. "Healthy as a runner. I never get sick. I'm just sleepy." She
opened one weyr to peer at her fellow goldrider. "Don't worry. I'm not
gonna get sick. I think it's because Anaeryth is getting a bit egg heavy. "

"Are you sure?" Teseada said gently. "I mean I've never heard of anyone
getting sleepy when their gold is close to clutching. Usually they want you
awake to dance around and pay them as much attention as possible."

"She says I'm making her sleepy, "Lanniya admitted, her words slightly
distorted from the position of her face, "but I'm pretty sure it's the other
way around." Then she groaned and laid her head on the table. "I'm supposed
to go to Dolphins Cove tomorrow to see Pierka. But I'd rather nap." She'd
have loved to just skip it, but she'd told Pierka that she'd be there. And
she'd not seen F'lin in a sevenday either.

"I think you should check with the healers first. Because I don't want you
making a mistake /between/." Teseada was concerned. "Just to make sure it's
safe for you, because the only time I was that tired, Tecall was on the

Lanniya frowned sleepily, blinking against the table. Tecall? Then she
remembered who Tecall was and she slowly lifted her head to stare at Teseada
with slowly widening eyes. "But...I take the teas. I can't be pregnant.
Can I?"

"The healers say they're not one hundred per cent effective, and if you've
missed even one day... But it could be something else," Teseada said. "I
think there is a bug going around the creche."

Her voice was faint. "I haven't been in the creche." Had she missed a day?
She could have. Oh Faranth.... if she remembered her classes right,
symptoms started... Her eyes widened. "Oh no. Oh no no no..." K'ale, F'lin,
and then Anaeryth rose... Her stomach roiled and she felt a sudden surge of
nausea. "I think I'm going to be sick. "

"Take a deep breath and sit still for a moment and see if it passes, then
I'm going to take you to the healers." Teseada said, "Want me to get K'ale
to meet you there?"

Swallowing hard and fighting her stomach to keep it's contents in, Lanniya
shook her head. "No. Not yet. I uh... no." How was she going to tell him? Or
any of them? "Can you send a message to my sister? Ask her to come?"

"I can do that," Teseada assured her. "And don't worry, if you are pregnant,
we'll manage, you'll manage and K'ale will be delighted."

Her lower lip trembled. "It may not be his, Teseada. Anaeryth rose and...
there's someone at Dolphins Cove. I..." Lanniya floundered. "I don't know
who it would be..."

"Well, lets just see if you are pregnant first, if it's that bug, you'll
laugh about it later today." Teseada offered her an arm, "Why don't we go
see those healers first?"

Rising, she took Teseada's arm and exhaled nervously. "Right. Good idea.
If I am, can you not tell anyone yet? Just...I'd rather be the one to tell

"You can trust me," Teseada said. "No matter what happens."

Taking a deep breath, Lanniya finally smiled. "Thank you, Teseada. For
everything. If I am, then I'll owe you for pointing it out to me and
keeping me from /betweening/. I wouldn't want to go through that

"Well you'll know one way or another soon enough," Teseada assured her.

Last updated on the September 3rd 2019

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