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Cross-Discipline Training

Writers: Miriah, Suzee
Date Posted: 10th March 2019

Characters: Y'gel, Urlene, Briata
Description: Y'gel and Urlene discuss cross-training with Healers and Dragonhealers
Location: Dolphin Cove Weyr
Date: month 10, day 10 of Turn 9
Notes: Mentioned: Cyradis, Olwinna, Pacham


She didn't often make her way to the dragon area of the infirmary, so
when invited, she walked quietly. Despite her turns at the Weyr,
Urlene had never felt completely comfortable around the massive
beasts. It was quite one thing to see them in the Weyrbowl and quite
another to be up close to them. She had to admit that she was a bit
frightened of them, not quite understanding the bond that they shared with
their riders.

Keeping to the inner walls, she found the large man easily and when he
paused at his table, she cleared her throat. "Bronzerider Y'gel. I got
your message. Was there something you wanted to see me about?"

"Why don't you come into the office," he chuckled and held the door
open for her. "Briata brought me some muffin's from the kitchens if
you'd like one."

"Oh. Thank you. " She inclined her head politely and stepped into the
office to take a seat. Folding her hands lightly in her lap, she
looked at the muffins on his desk and picked one, breaking off a small
piece to take a bite. Her brows rose, pleased at the flavor, finding
the sweetness not too overwhelming, but just delicate enough to
encourage another taste.

"So," he began as he leaned back in his comfortable chair. "You're
probably wondering why I wanted to talk to you."

"Indeed. I'm not often called to this area of the infirmary. " She
took a nibble of the muffin. " How can I help you?"

"Well, since we came here I've been rather busy getting the dragon
Infirmary set up the way I like," he waved his hand in the air. "But
that's not as important as the fact that I had not yet reached out to
you to see how I can help _you_," he smiled. "You see I come from a
family of Healers and was a Journeyman Healer before I ever Impressed

Her brows shot up in immediate interest, but there was still a reserve
that held her back from leaning forward. "A journeyman? That could be
helpful indeed. To be quite honest, we're shorthanded in the infirmary
and Pacham has not requested other journeyman to assist with teaching
the apprentices. " Her lips pursed in mild frustration. "Silain, Olwinna,
and I should not be doing all of the instruction."

He nodded. "I teach several sections here that are translatable to
people healing. It wouldn't be a problem to combine some of those
classes. But in addition to that," he smiled. "I can help with surgery
as well. Now, I know you'll want to see my skills in action or brush up
on Humans or something. But in a pinch, I can at least assist as long
as there are no dragon issues to deal with."

"That is very good to know. Perhaps we could approach Pacham about
collaboration between the two disciplines." Urlene was visibly
beginning to relax, the tension around her shoulders easing. "I would
like to see that yes, especially if you're able to assist me in
surgery. It is a...rare specialty and despite what many people
believe, is more than just assisting to pull an unwilling child from a
womb." Even Pacham was not as skilled as she, and she well knew it.

"That is a very good idea," he nodded in approval. "Yes, it's not very
well understood but I've done my share of dragon surgery. Granted on a
much larger than human scale but then it gave me a very good view into
internal organ structure. Perhaps you'd like to assist the next time I
need to do it?"

The thought of being that close to a dragon, even for the value of
learning how he worked made her a feel a bit nauseous. Was dragon
anatomy similar to man's? Would it be beneficial? Surely the surgery
techniques were similar, despite the inherent differences between the
two species. Inwardly, she struggled to find a reason or an excuse to
beg off of that particular offer. But if he was willing to help her...
"Perhaps...on a smaller dragon?"

He looked at her for a moment then smiled. "You know they're like
people right? You treat them like people, you just have to communicate
through their rider. The bigger they are the smarter they are. The
most lovely and gentle are the queens. You should meet Panitath, she
is a very wise woman."

Urlene's face visibly paled and turned a little green around her
mouth. She had seen the queens, had only managed to feel extremely
small in comparison, and had distinct images of herself being stepped
on. She had certainly never approached one on purpose and had managed
to find ways to avoid them by remaining in the lower caverns as much
as physically possible. Y'gel, obviously, was biased in that regard.
"I'm sure that you feel that way, but I'd rather not."

**She's afraid of dragons**

}:I know,:{ Aughashyth's mental sigh could be felt through their link.

"Well, we don't have to decide today," he smiled at her. "Did you know
Briata can hear all of them?"

Her brow furrowed, but she felt a sense of relief at the granting of
time. She could avoid it for longer than he realized. "Briata? Who is

"I am," Briata said as she came into the room with a smile. "I'm
Y'gel's weyrmate. Very pleased to meet you," she said. She put a
possessive hand on the big man's shoulder. "I can hear all dragons.
Most of them are very kind."

Y'gel smiled up at her and covered her hand with his. "I'm sure she
can help you understand what they're saying should you ever wish to

Her brow twitched upwards at the new arrival's possessive claim upon
the man. **That explains things. Don't worry, dear, I'm not a
threat.** "It's a pleasure to meet you, Briata. I'm Senior
Journeywoman Urlene." The automatic politeness was offered with a
light lifting on her lips, but the pressure she felt that was being
applied to her to interact with the beasts was uncomfortable and
unwelcome. "I don't think that will be necessary, but I appreciate the
offer. I'm sure she is invaluable in assisting with your duties,
though. " She inclined her head and slowly rose. "I look forward to
working with you, Y'gel."

"Thank you," he said and rose politely in response. He hadn't seen a
bigger wall in all his time in a Weyrdweller. People who lived and
worked at the Weyr normally became accustomed over time. **This one's
a bit prickly**

Briata squeezed his hand after a moment. Obviously, Aug had relayed the message.

"Well," he said, "I'm willing to help you whenever I'm not engaged
with the dragons. Aug and I don't fly Threadfall so we're here most of
the time." He didn't reiterate his offer to help her relax around
dragons as it was obviously unwanted. "But obviously I would like this
to be an even trade from your department as well. Please feel free to
consult whomever you need." He didn't mention that he'd also be
suggesting it to Cyradis in his next weekly meeting with her.

"And I appreciate it greatly. Cross-training will be of use if either
of us are short-staffed or there is an emergency. I'll consult with
Pacham and get final approval from him. I suspect that he'll be
willing." She hoped he would be. Sometimes it was frustrating working
with the older man who didn't seem as active in the infirmary as she
felt he should be.

"It's been a pleasure meeting you," Briata held out her hand to the other woman.

"And I'm glad you like the idea, I've been tossing it around for a
while now." He gave her a wide smile.

She took Briata's hand. "Indeed. It has been a pleasure. Thank you."
She turned back to Y'gel and was almost disarmed by wide smile that
displayed deep dimples in his cheeks. It was...charming and she felt a
tug of attraction that she had not felt in turns. She pushed it aside
just as quickly, burying it with a firm will. There was little need or
time for _that_, especially with a dragonrider. "I do. It's a good
idea. I hope Pacham agrees." She released Briata's hand and inclined
her head to both of them. "Have a good evening."

Last updated on the March 19th 2019

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.