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A Good Plan

Writers: AmajoS, Estelle
Date Posted: 1st March 2019

Characters: Benna, L'keri
Description: L'keri brings Benna a gift
Location: Dragonsfall Weyr
Date: month 9, day 3 of Turn 9


Rhalith popped out of /between/ above Dragonsfall Weyr and bugled in
greeting to the watchdragon, before starting to slowly circle downwards.
His rider was perched on his back slightly awkwardly, since he was
holding a bulky parcel under one arm and gripping the straps with his
free hand.

**I hope it's not frozen solid.** He smiled to himself. Even if it was,
it was the thought that counted, but it would be much better if his
purchase had survived the flight. **Could you ask Henerath if her rider
is busy at the moment? I have something for her.**

Benna was going over her riding straps with a fine-tooth comb. The wet
and cold of winter made checking the leather critical. The last thing
she wanted was to have a strap snap in the middle of a fall. She was
almost done, and so far so good, the leather used for these straps was
obviously high-quality.

}:Rhalith's wishes to know if you're busy. Rhalith wouldn't say why.:{
The green sounded a bit put out. She did not enjoy having her curiosity

**I'm almost done, you can tell Rhalith that he can land here. Then
we'll both find out what they want.**

L'keri sensed satisfaction and a hint of amusement from his dragon as
they glided down towards Benna and Henerath's weyr. **Have you been
teasing her?**

}:I did not want to spoil your surprise.:{ Rhalith made a neat landing
on the ledge and rumbled a greeting to the green, as his rider
dismounted with more care than usual. It would be a disaster if he
dropped his gift at the last moment.

"Hello the weyr!" he called out.

"Back here," Benna called from her quarters, just off the ledge. Her
weyr wasn't nearly as large as his, of course. Only Henerath's ledge
and couch, where the green was lounging currently, and the sleeping
quarters for herself. There was a small cooking area through a side
room, in case she wanted to fix her own meal for some reason, but no
private bath.

Henerath peered at the brownrider, her many faceted eyes locked onto
the object he carried. She extended her neck so that her nose came
right up to L'keri, head titled curiously, she made an inquisitive
sounding chirruping growl as he approached.

L'keri swept her the most impressive bow he could manage while
encumbered with his package. "Greetings, beautiful Henerath. I come
bearing a small, unworthy...but hopefully pleasing present for your
enchanting rider."

Henerath regarded him a moment before turning her head toward the
entrance to her rider's quarters. }:I like him.:{

Benna laughed out loud and set her straps aside as she made her way to
the entrance. "Are you out here charming my dragon?" She tried to sound
stern, but knew she failed miserably.

He turned and gave her his most engaging little-boy grin. "Guilty, I'm
afraid. She's looking so lovely today that I couldn't help but mention
it." He offered her the package. "I brought you something. To say thank
you for - the other night." Of course, he also hoped that it might lead
to another night, but he kept that thought to himself.

Her curiosity burning almost as brightly as her dragon's, Benna took
the package from L'keri. She moved to sit on the edge of her dragon's
couch, knowing that Henerath wanted to see too. The dragon could just
look through her own eyes, even from across the world, of course, but
it felt more like they were opening it together this way. With the
package carefully balanced on her lap, Benna lifted the lid and moved
aside the cloth and gave a little happy sigh.

}:They are cakes? They look too colorful to be cakes.:{

There were two cakes in the package and they were both decorated.
Benna carefully lifted one of the small decorated cakes out of the
package. The sides were plain, but the top was flat and covered in
what looked like individual blades of grass and tiny flowers. The
other, she could see was the same, save the top was covered in what
looked like one long coiled vine with a flower at the center. "L'keri,
these are too pretty to eat!" She bet they tasted as good as they
looked though.

L'keri was genuinely touched by her reaction. All thoughts of possible
advantages to himself went out of his head. He'd forgotten how good it
felt just to do something for someone else. Perhaps, he thought, he
should get some cakes for his children, too.

"I think you'd better eat them, or Henerath will snap them up," he
teased. "She's got a hungry look in her eyes."

}:Cakes aren't good for eating. You can have them,:{ Henerath
protested, drawing her head back from where she'd been examining the
cakes and making Benna laugh.

**He's teasing, dearest.**

She carefully replaced the cake she held in the box L'keri had brought
them in and smiled, "There are two. Join me?" She tilted her head
toward the kitchenette where she had plates stored. "I'm sure I have
some klah in there, I could get started."

"That sounds wonderful! I'd be delighted." He offered a hand to help her
up. "Can I do anything? I could guard the cakes, if you like," he
suggested with a wink. "Make sure the firelizards don't get them."

She laughed, "Oh, yes. We must be on the lookout always." She kept
hold of the hand he'd offered and used it to tug him along behind her
as she headed for the kitchenette.

L'keri followed her in, and while she brewed the klah he leaned in
close to her and reached across to take down two plates from a corner
shelf. "Mm. There are advantages to a small kitchen," he said with a
grin. "Cosy."

"Less to keep clean too. Not that I use it much, but still." Benna
smiled at him as he set the plates down on the small table, next to
the cake box. She liked that he'd done that, grabbing the plates for
them, instead of just sitting down and waiting for her to do it all
and she was genuinely touched about the cakes. He hadn't had to do
that. They'd had a good time together the evening she'd shared her
mother's cakes with him and it could have been left at that and it
would have been fine, but the thoughtfulness of his surprise made her
more than willing to invite him to stay once they'd finished the

"Well, eating together with wingmates in the dining cavern is always a
pleasure." One by one, he lifted the cakes out of the box and onto the
plates, taking care not to damage the decorations. "But sometimes, it's
good to have cakes and klah with a friend, just the two of you. I don't
do that enough. And then I thought of you, and the other night,
and...well." He gave her a boyish smile. "I thought it would be fun to
do it again."

"Yes, that was a fun night. And it would be very nice repeat it," she
pulled two mugs out of a small cabinet and poured the klah. "Of
course, my bed is a little smaller than yours," Benna added with a
teasing grin as she set one of the mugs next to the plate closest to

"I could say something about it not being the size that counts, but I
don't want to end up with one of these cakes in my face." L'keri joked,
offering her the two plates. "Which would you like?"

"Well, I did walk right into that one," Benna replied with an amused
eyeroll. She examined the two cakes a moment, unable to pick just
based on appearances. They were both so pretty! "What kind are they?"

"One of them has fruit in and the other's a light citrus butter cake.
I wasn't sure which you'd like, so I got one of each, but... " L'keri
looked at the cakes and scratched his head. "If I can remember which
is which!"

"Ooh, a mystery!" She grinned at the brownrider, "Both kinds sound
delicious and we've no way of knowing until we try them." With that,
she pulled out a drawer and grabbed two forks.

"How about we share one of them together," he suggested, a mischievous
look in his eye, "and have the other one...later. That way, we both get
a taste of each."

"Now, that sounds like a plan," Benna replied with a bright smile as she
handed one of the forks to L'keri.

Last updated on the March 3rd 2019

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.