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The Masons' Report

Writers: Avery
Date Posted: 15th June 2017

Characters: K'ran, Idryn
Description: The Master Mason has a report for the Weyrleader about the Weyr's condition.
Location: River Bluff Weyr
Date: month 12, day 25 of Turn 8


Master Mason Idryn and his team had completed the survey of River
Bluff Weyr. They'd come to their conclusions and written them up in
reports, which he had in a folder tucked under his arm. Now he walked
the path to the building that had become a temporary office and
residence, and knocked on the door of the Weyrleader's office.

"Weyrleader?" he called.

"Come in," K'ran said. The temporary office had a desk, several
chairs, and pitchers of klah and juice off to the side.

"Master Idryn, apologies for not greeting you better, but the Healers
have been on me to rest as much as I can," he said. "You're welcome to
pour yourself some klah or juice if you need it."

"Not a problem, Weyrleader," Idryn said as he took a seat. "How is
your dragon?" he asked politely. He'd heard that there were several
injured or killed dragons, the Weyrleader's beast among them.

"Improving every day," K'ran said.

"That's good to hear. I'm afraid you won't like anything I have to
say," the Mason said as he hefted the papers to show to the
Weyrleader. "This report contains a more detailed analysis of the
Weyr's condition, including a section by section analysis of where
things are particularly good or particularly bad."

"What's the good news?" K'ran asked.

The Mason picked up the large hide on which a map of the Weyr had been
drawnm, and started moving his hand over it as he spoke.

"Different parts of the Weyr sustained different amounts of damage.
That's because of what the underlying rocks were like and how
susceptible they were to earthquake forces. For example, this side of
the river suffered flood damage but comparatively little from the
earthquake. The harbor's a wreck, but the crafter buildings are
intact. The top of the plateau was stable despite weaknesses in the
caves. That's why your people have been safe there."

"Is any of that side safe for habitation?" K'ran asked.

"Well, many of the upper level weyrs are in areas where the damage was
primarily from the tsunami's water and have only small cracks, no
rockslides. The beach-facing side was mostly unscathed," Idrys

"It's the weyrs closest to the Hatching Caverns that suffered the
worst damage. I believe this includes your own," the Mason said

"The damage to the Hatching Caverns is going to make using those sands
to lay clutches impossible any time in the near future. It would take
months to clear out the debris and figure out how to re-heat the
sands. That's not accounting for the fact that part of it is exposed
to the air rather than sealed inside. I don't know how golds will
react to that."

K'ran nodded. "What about the Lower Caverns?" That was a honeycomb of
tunnels, was it entirely destroyed? It had looked very bad that first
day, with rocks piled before the main entrance.

"Many of the storage caverns survived well, but there are areas where
rockslides have blocked tunnels or destroyed rooms.

"Would you say it's safe to keep sending people inside to retrieve
supplies or personal items?" he asked.

"Yes. I've marked on sectional maps where people should and should not
go. Anyone with personal quarters there could go get what they need.
But some locations are in yellow zones where they shouldn't go at all.
And I don't recommend anyone spend the night in any of the weyrs,"
Idryn cautioned.

K'ran was smart enough to see the problems that the Master Mason was
presenting him with. With the leadership rooms gone, they couldn't
house new golds to be Weyrwoman and Second. Without the Hatching
Sands, they couldn't breed new weyrling classes even if they had the
golds. With the weyrling barracks damaged, they couldn't house those
classes. And without the dragon infirmary, they couldn't heal their

They might be able to keep quartering dragonriders here, and rise to
meet Fall in their territory. But in the other parts of running a
Weyr, they weren't going to have the space or ability to do that. And
that meant that as a Weyr - River Bluff was basically over. At least,
for now.

"What's your overall prognosis? Could it ever run again?" K'ran asked

"The Weyr could be rebuilt. The Hatching Caverns would be the major
problem to solve. New weyrs for the leaders, the injured, the
weyrlings, could be quarried out of stone and built rather than made
into the bluff itself," Idrys said.

"It would take time, though. My brother worked on the creation of
Dolphin Cove and he says it took Turns to construct. Rebuilding a
partially standing Weyr would take less time, but in my professional
opinion, given the added challenges of building during a Pass, I'd say
it would be at least a Turn."

"I've left three copies of a one page summary for you, and you can
keep the detailed packet. One of your scribes was kind enough to make
a copy of our charts," he finished, tapping the papers again before
handing them to the bronzerider.

"Thank you for your honest assessment, and the reports," K'ran said,
extending his hand across the table for the Mason to shake.

"It was a good challenge. I'm just sorry I couldn't offer you better,
Weyrleader," Idrys said, standing up to leave.

After he was gone, K'ran stared down at the papers without really seeing

They'd have to find something to do with all of the people. K'ran knew
he couldn't make this decision alone, he'd have to speak to the rest
of the Southern Weyrleaders. So far, the other Weyrs had been
providing aid as requested. Probably they'd been hoping the rubble
could be cleared and things would go back to normal soon. But it was
clear it wasn't the case.

**Rogueth, would you summon the ranking bronzers for me?** he asked.
He'd have to send news to the Weyrs that a Conclave was needed to
decide what to do. And wasn't that going to be fun.

Last updated on the July 4th 2017

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.