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Make You Smile

Writers: Devin, Miriah
Date Posted: 11th March 2015

Characters: Lanniya, D'ren
Description: D'ren and Lanniya dance at the Hatching.
Location: River Bluff Weyr
Date: month 10, day 15 of Turn 7
Notes: Mentioned: Dysali


She hadn't realized that so many people would be at the feast and so
many would want to talk to her. She'd been blissfully spun around the
dance floor by several riders and the many faces kind of blurred
together for her. Lanniya doubted she'd remember any of their names.
Thanking the last brownrider, she waved and made her way to the
refreshment table. She needed a glass of cold water.

"Congratulations, goldrider," D'ren said as she came up to the table.
He was taking a break as well.

Lanniya turned at another "congratulations", prepared to thank another
rider whose name she would never remember. The sight of D'ren,
however, brought a smile. "D'ren, hello. Thank you." She tilted her
head. "Did you enjoy the hatching and did you see Anaeryth? Isn't she

"Absolutely beautiful," he agreed with a smile. All dragons were,
really, but a gold was special. "I was rooting for you."

She colored prettily. "Thank you, D'ren." She paused and tilted her
head to the side. "I like that smile. You should have it more often."

That made him smile wider. "I'm working on that."

"Good," she nodded. "You should. " She tilted her head at him. "You're
not going to start treating me different are you? I mean, I know I
don't know you well, but I was told that some people might because of

"No, I won't," he assured her. "But they're right that some people
will. Be a little wary of anyone who suddenly wants to be your friend.
They might be doing it for political reasons." Especially
bronzeriders. D'ren had seen many of them practically falling over
themselves every time a new goldrider arrived at Dolphin Cove. The
goldriders here had been stable, until now.

"Well, good. " Her face showed how pleased she was, both at his
response and his advice. "But not you. I'd like to think of you as a
friend, D'ren. I think I might need some good ones now."

"I could use good friends, too. So we'll stick together." He offered
his hand. "Are you up for a dance?"

"We should." She affirmed quickly. It would be possibly her tenth
dance already, but Lanniya was floating high on the nights event's and
she gladly accepted. She took his hand and nodded. "I'm always up for
dancing." Following him to the dance floor, she wiggled her bare toes
and settled his hand on her shoulder. "Was it like this for you too?
Impressing a bronze and all?"

"Not _quite_ as big a deal." He said as he moved to the slow song.
"But it was strange to be suddenly important." Before that he'd just
been an unremarkable Candidate, and before _that_ he'd been one harper
apprentice among many.

She thought about that for a moment. "It should have been, I think.
Sure there's more bronzes than queens, but you still could be
Weyrleader someday. Any bronzerider could. You'd think they would
celebrate it or something."

"I don't need people to make a fuss." He put her through a slow spin.
D'ren wasn't the greatest dancer, but he'd had enough practice to do
simple dances almost without thinking. Even a quiet bronzerider was in
demand as a partner.

She spun and then settled her hand on his arm again. "Well, maybe not,
but it feels nice at least once in a while." She tilted her head.
"Hasn't anyone ever made a fuss over you?"

Dysali, but he didn't want to think about that. "My family did. They
still do." They were thrilled every time he visited.

"Well, bronzeriders are important. They should." She declared with a
grin. "And if you ever become Weyrleader, I promise that I won't let
it go to your head."

"It's more likely I'd need someone to keep me from panicking." He knew
it could happen, but he definitely wasn't the ambitious type.

That brought a giggle. "I could always just, you know, thwack you in
the back of the head." Her eyes sparkled as she winked at him. "I
wouldn't get in trouble now."

"Maybe I should be worried about this going to _your_ head." He felt
light and happy, a rare thing for him these days. Moving to River
Bluff hadn't solved his problems but things were getting better,
little by little.

She tipped her head back and laughed. "Hardly. My grandmother would
never allow it for an instant!"

"Good. I like you the way you are." She reminded him of his sister,
but more bold and outgoing.

She lightly poked him in the shoulder. "And I like you smiling. I
think I will find a way to make you smile every single day. "

"Quite a task you've set for yourself," he teased.

"If I have to start telling Menanth jokes on a daily basis, I suppose
you'll just have to deal with it." She spun in the dance and came back
to him. "Especially if I tell him he has to share them."

"Making my dragon tell bad jokes? That's just cruel." It was a shame
weyrlinghood was going to keep her so busy for a while. Maybe he could
try to stop by during free time before lights out, even if it was just
for a few minutes.

Her expression was one of glee. "Not at all. See, I think you'd
secretly like it."

"And should I tell you bad jokes in return?"

"Of course! As long as they're decent, mind you." She shook her finger at him.

D'ren put a hand to his chest. "I promise. You're a junior weyrling.
Can't have you thinking dirty thoughts... yet."

At that, her face pinkened "Oh. Well...Yes. Right."

He laughed. "So now I have to ask around for clean jokes. Do you know
how hard that is in a Weyr?"

She gave a little giggle. "Not really. No one's told me jokes like
that. And if it's hard, it just means you'll keep busy trying to find
some scrubbed up ones for me."

He spun her one more time before the dance ended. D'ren bowed. "Thank
you for the dance, Lanniya. And congratulations again."

"And thank you. I better hear some jokes soon." She curtsied and
grinned widely. "I'll see you later, okay?"

Last updated on the March 18th 2015

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.